Friday, September 13, 2013
I understand
We have all been there at one point or another. I understand and I can fully relate to the screaming kid you are pushing around in your stroller, pretending s/he isn't screaming in hopes that ignoring it will make them shut up. Wishing you were anywhere but there at that moment. I know whats going through your head and I don't blame you at all for wishing the earth would open up and swallow you whole. I get it. I want to walk over to you and offer to help, there were days I wish someone would have offered it to me. But I don't want to upset you or make you feel like you are a bad parent, I know you already feel like you are as you watch all the other parents walk around with their non screaming kids. So I watch from afar and offer you a smile if you see me looking at you, maybe even a kind word if you are close enough to hear me over Jr's wailing. I promise this too shall pass.
To the mom who is out with a friend and cant focus on the conversation because her 14 month old baby has kept her up every night for the last 14 months, I get it. I know how it is. I hope that your friend will to, but don't count on it if she is childless, she gets 8 or more uninterrupted hours of sleep a night and sleeps until noon on the weekends. She isn't going to understand that you don't quite have the mental ability to offer her advice about her latest disaster of a relationship, or that you may want to choke her for complaining about the bartender kicking her out at 2am when the bar closed and she had to get up at 11 the next day. The blank stare that she doesn't understand, honey I get it and I want you to know that kids will eventually sleep through the night, but you may not for awhile.
To the parent who has come to despise Disney, Nick, and Cartoon Network. I get it. Just remember one day you will find yourself watching those same shows you hate because the kids are in bed and you don't have the energy to find the remote for the 100 time today. Sometime in a future that seems so far away you will long for the days that Jr curled up on the couch next to you and watched his favorite show for the millionth time. You will find yourself wishing that time would rewind and he would be that little kid again, if only for a day. But in the meantime, I get it. I hate those channels too and have wished the most painful horrific death imaginable on the creators of those horribly annoying shows/movies. I understand and am here to assure you in a few months you wont have to watch that show/movie anymore because Jr will have a new most favorite ever movie to torture you with.
To the mom who is awake at 2am crying with their baby, wondering what she is doing wrong, I assure you the crying is normal and you are a good mom. Babies cry, some of the do nothing but eat, poop and cry. Sleep is going to be a thing that you will pray for for at least the next year. Take advantage of any moment you can to catch a nap. Ask a friend or family member to help you one night. It's OK to ask for help when you need it. You cant run on no sleep forever and you don't have to be super woman. This phase will pass and you will wonder where the time went. As hard as it is to imagine, you will miss these days one day. Enjoy them as much as possible and sleep when you can so you can be the best mom in the world.
To the dad who cringes when Jr asks for yet another piggy back ride, just remember one day Jr is going to be too big and you will miss these days. I get it, there are days I don't think my back can take one more trip down the hall with a drooling giggling child sitting on it, but somehow it does and the giggling is well worth it. Dad, take advantage of these moments because one day you will be the enemy and you will look back on these memories to get you through being told that you are hated. Fathers and sons all go through it from what I understand and it will pass. One day your son will be all grown up and you will have that relationship with him again, in the meantime remember the piggy back rides and smile.
To all the parents who don't know how they are going to make it through another day, I get it. I'm right there with you and you are not alone. Smile even when you don't want to, laugh at the silly jokes that you don't understand, give one more piggy back ride, watch one more movie, cry if you have to, sleep when you can, ignore the dirty looks from strangers in the store when Jr is screaming at the top of his lungs and most of all, enjoy every second of being a parent. One day the nest will be empty and you will wonder where time went.
As always comments are always welcome and please share my page with your friends <3
Sunday, September 1, 2013
The Start of a New School Year, and a New Journey
I fully intend to keep y'all updated on how things are going and now that I have a reliable internet connection it wont be so long between updates.
Well my loves, its getting late and I have some things I need to get done before attempting to pass out for the night. Bub has a friend staying over tonight and even though they were 11pm falling asleep, I am sure they will all be awake bright and early tomorrow.
As always comments are always welcome and please share my page with your friends <3
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Well, we are finally getting answers....
Now for the scary news. He had, what we believe was, a small seizure a few nights ago and possibly another one yesterday while he was napping. Both have been while he was sleeping and he was perfectly fine after other than being hard to wake up. His ped is scheduling him a test( I think he said an eeg) and sending him to a neuro Dr to be evaluated and see if they can figure out what the hell is going on now.
I have come to realize when it comes to him there will never be an end to visiting Dr's and at the moment there is no cure for what he has going on. I expect him to have things happen that Dr's may or may not be able to explain right away and that we need to take it one day at a time. This is all new territory to me and its terrifying some days. I wasn't expecting to ever get an answer on what was going on with his liver enzymes and when we went to the GI Dr last week and he dropped that in my lap I was so shocked that I didn't know what to ask or what to say. But in time things will get easier.
Hes walking!!! He took his first steps about 3ish weeks ago and has taken off and is doing really well with it. Far better than his therapist expected him to do so soon.
Well, thats all for now. Its chilly out here and I want to go in the house and sit in my comfy chair and relax a bit. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.
As always comments are always welcome and please share my page with our friends <3
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Jello Party!!
t my dog, hes a Husky and a pain in the ass to wash. FYI I didnt have him in the house because people were going to be in and out changing and using the bathroom and i didnt want him to get away, and he is a runner. Anyway, I took y pool pictures and told them to have at it. They all got to the edge of the pool and were carefully putting their hands in it, like they werent sure if I was serious when I said they could throw it, jump in it, throw each other in it, or whatever else they could think of. Thats when Bub stepped in the pool, bent over and grabbed 2 hands full of jello and just slung it out to the sides of him, hitting 8 or so kids. All hell broke loose! They all jumped in the pool, well as many as the pool could fit, they were pushing and shoving and trying to get jello to throw. It was amazing, or dare I say, beautiful? It took about 10 minutes for all that jello to be thrown and just the sludge left in the bottom, but I must say the smiles on the kids faces were totally worth it. So, I decided that I am going to top myself next year by buying 200 boxes of jello a month for the next year which will give me 1200 boxes of jello, which will give me roughly 600 2ltrs of jello and around 6 large pools! Thats my goal and I an determined to meet it. Anyway, I'm going to leave it at that and post some pictures for yall to enjoy.
As always comments are always welcome and please share my page with your friends <3.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
End of the year woohoo!!!
(Posting from my phone please ignore mistakes)
Wooooohooooooo!!!!! We finally made it to the end of a very,very,very long school year!! Today was the boys last day of school and I'm pretty sure I'm more excited about them being out than I ever was when I was in school. Mom, I'm sorry I was always a pain in the ass to get to(and keep in) school. Its far harder to get kids up and moving, ready, fed and out the door ON TIME than it ever was to go sit in a class all day.
Both boys passed to the next grades, super happy and uber proud. Im going to be working with all 3 of them over the summer to keep them from forgetting stuff, I'm sure they are going to be oh so happy about this. But for now I'm going to let them enjoy their summer, study free. We are having our annual jello party this weekend so I've got a lot to do between now and Saturday. So far I've had more RSVP's than ever and there's usually a few that show up who didn't RSVP, and of course the few that do and don't show. At the moment we are expecting somewhere around 30 kids to come, plus adults with them, so roughly 50 people will be at my house Saturday. I can not begin to describe how anxious I am about this. Im not exactly a people person,in case you hadn't gathered that already, and the thought of having to interact with so many people has me on the verge of a panic attack. Of course it doesn't help that the one other adult that was going to be here to help (the kids dad) has to work all of the sudden. Thankfully my wonderful friends and family have stepped in to offer help. Those of you that have offered, thank you a million times over, you have no idea how much this means to me. Well, as much as I hate to cut this short I really need to get my butt in gear now that the kids are in bed and get some laundry folded. I'll post after the party with pics and a run down of how it all went.
As always, comments are always welcome and please share my page with your friends <3
Friday, June 7, 2013
Update on little man
OK again I'm on from the phone and at this point I am trying to catch up on all the blogging i have wanted to do but not had time for.
For those of you that have been following my Sy saga here is an update for you.
We went for a long growth hormone test last week to see what his hormone levels were because the times that they checked it it was so low they couldn't detect it. He wasn't allowed to eat after midnight the night before the test through until it was done,thag was the worst part because he eats nonstop. We got there at 630am and checked in and went to a room on the 7th floor where they put in an IV to draw blood and administer meds. I have to brag and say he didn't cry at all when they stuck him twice to get it started. Yay Sy! They took 3 tubes of blood and left. Then they started the first Med which was to jump start hormone production. They drew blood every half hour while we were there and at the 1 1/2 hour mark they gave him a ssecond Med,and I cant rremember what it was for. Up j til this point he was doing great. The second Med made him sleepy and he was hungry because it was 1030 and he hadn't eaten yet so he got PISSED. He was finally allowed to eat at 1130 and we got home around 1. Overall he did amazing but it really sucked to hear him screaming and not bbe able to do anything for him.
I got the results from the test the other day and of the 12 blood draws 11 of them were low and ONE was in the grey area so they don't want to start treatment. I get that because once its started his body won't produce it on its own and they want to wait to ssee if he will start making it without treatment first. So we go for the test again in 6mos. In the meantime we go for an MRI later this month and make rounds to all his drs again to see if they can come up with something else. In the first 2yrs of life growth hormone doesn't play a major role and growth is based more off of nutrition than anything. Which is leading the endocrinologist to think there may be more to whatever is going on than just a hormone issue. *sigh* one day one of these drs will figure it out and get it all taken care of. At least that's what I hope will happen.
Things you should.know about little boys
Again,I'm.posting phone. Sorry.
1) Dirt will stick to them. I swear they all have invisible dirt magnets and will find the tiniest speck of a pristine room.
2) Their favorite toy will always and fforever be their penis. It starts when they are still in diapers and never ends. Don't believe me? Look over at your husband/boyfriend/fuck buddy at any random moment he is relaxing. I bet his hand will be on it.
3) Guns and weapons are their second favorite toys. Try as much as you want to to keep them away from it bit they will make a weapon out.of ANYTHING.
4) They will have an interest in girls at a very going age,even if they don't know why. Gone are the days of girls having cooties.
5) They can and will climb on anything that you think is dangerous and most likely jump off of it just to watch you have a mini heart attack.
6) Boys will steal your heart and hold it in their grubby little hands ladies. Having a son is totally different than having a daughter. I can't explain why but it is.
7) They are born with an instinct to protect their mommy. It's super sweet and totally cute.
8) They will do anything to make you proud.
9) Hygiene is not on the top of their priority list. They simply don't care.
10) They have their own distinct smell. Best I can describe it is a mixture of dirt and candy. Weird.
Having boys is the most rewarding thing any mother can experience. Not to downplay girls because that's special in its own right ans I'll touch on that later. But boys are special to us mommies. Enjoy it ladies, it goes by too fast.
When will.people learn?!
First,please forgive any random periods or double letters,misplaced or odd words. Im doing this phone and editing is a the ass.
Now,to.the point of this post.
I live on a fairly busy road. It's the main way into the neighborhood and a decent little stretch of road before you hit the stop sign. There is also a the road that used to be railroad tracks which have been covered over by asphalt. When I was a kid(hell.until.I was damn near 20) the tracks were left there to.slow.people.down. Not that any of us really did but there wasn't houses on both sides of the street tthen either. Anyway, since they covered it people fucking fly down the road in attempts to jump the old tracks. This isn't REALLY an issue for me since i have a wall of trees across my front yard,and pretty much everyone that loses control ends up across the street in the neighbors yards, but I do have kids and there is a chance one of these fucktards will eventually end up slamming into one of my trees...or worse. Around this time last year some numbnut came over the hump,lost control and slammed into the power pole which knocked power out to our house and the court across the street. Then there was the guy who jumped the curb and busted both passenger side tires and still sped away driving on his rims. They found him 2 blocks away with bent rims and pissed off parents. But the best one yet happened today. I had my front door open and from my chair I can see the corner where most of the fuck ups land. Im eating my oh so healthy dinner of microwave burritos and I hear these 2 morons(they cone flying through here a few times a day) on dirt bikes coning up the road. I looked out the door at the exact right moment and see one fly by and the other one drift over to the other side of the road, lose control and hit the curb. His bike goes up over the curb and he bails because he's heading for the brick sign that's over there. He landed on his side,glasses flew off when he bailed and his bike slams the brick. I damn near choked I laughed so hard. He's almost lost control a few times coming through here and he kept doing it. Common sense would say to slow down(or at the very least learn to control your bike). But noooooo,he kept doing it and he finally fucked up. I walked out and asked if he was OK, he said he was and his friend came back a minute later laughing at him. He picked up the bike, found his broken glasses and went on his merry way but he was holding his arm so I'm willing to bet he's got at least some nasty bruises. Hopefully he learned his lesson and slows down, but I'm willing to bet I'll see him fly through tomorrow.
I've added a pic of the corner with the hump(not the best pic it was raining) and my wall of trees for your viewing pleasure.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Children are tiny terrorists...and other things
"No buts. No we aren't getting that, I have 12 boxes of cereal at home already and I'm not buying any more until those are gone."(Yes I actually had 12 boxes of cereal at home, I buy on sale with coupons and stock up on them since they can eat an entire box in like 2 days.)
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Vagina holes....
"No, its not broken. Its supposed to be there."
"*sighs* because that's where women have babies from."
-----long pause-----
Of course this is the exact moment Kaden decided to walk into the room. He was in his own little world as usual and as soon as she yelled that he stopped, looked at her with a look of disgust, looked at me and promptly "EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! Did I come out of your vagina too?!?!"
Oh dear God. Why do my kids have to ask such weird questions? They do have a dad they can ask too ya know. Why does it ALWAYS have to be me?!
"Yes Kaden, all of you came out of my vagina."
Kira of course has an answer for this one.
"I have a hole in my vagina and babies come from it. I am NEVER having a baby."
"You have vagina hole?! I have a hole in my penis, its for pee to come out, does pee come out of that hole?"
"No, that's a different hole.'
Kira- "I have TWO vagina holes?!"
"Yes Kira, there are two holes down there, one for pee and one for when you have a baby."
Kaden- "That is SO gross."
This conversation went on for FAR longer than I was comfortable with and I REALLY didn't want to be part of it. The conclusion they finally came to was; Its weird that girls have 3 holes down there and boys only have 2. Its completely gross that they came out of my vagina hole. Kira is never having a baby. And they learned a new term....vagina hole. This has been the main topic of conversation in my house since Sunday. I am sooooo over hearing the term 'vagina hole'. I am all for kids knowing about anatomy, and i will ALWAYS answer any questions they have, but I really wish they could start off with some easy ones. Of course this whole vagina hole thing led into today's conversation with Kira while I was in the shower. I have had plenty of conversations through the shower curtain, and I realized today my kids like to ask me the awkward questions while I'm in the shower. I think they know they have me cornered and I'll have to answer them. So, I decided that I was going to attempt to grab a quick shower this morning while Sy was content playing in his exersaucer and Kira was mesmerized by Super Why. Probably not my brightest moment of the day since its rarely a good idea to leave Kira without supervision, but I desperately needed to take a shower and wake up some. So I told her I was going to shower and I would be done by the time her show went off and to just sit there and watch TV. She half ass nodded at me to let me know she heard me talking but didn't really process the words that came out of my mouth. I grabbed a towel and got in the shower, leaving the door open so I could hear them and pulling the curtain open a bit so I could see them through the crack in the door. I peeked through the door and saw that they hadn't moved and started washing my hair. I actually got through shampooing without any interruptions woohoo!! I rinsed and looked through the crack again and found them sitting contently and, thinking I was actually going to make it through an ENTIRE shower without someone needing something, I started to condition my hair. That's when I heard "Mommy?" UGH! This is what I get for thinking I suppose. "What Kira?" "What are these?" She sticks her little hand into the shower and grasped in it are a hand full of my tampons. Are You Fucking Kidding Me?! Praying that I could get away with a simple answer I told her "Those are tampons."
"What are tampons?"
"Cotton tubes?"
"What are they for?"
"For when a woman is on her period..."
"Whats a period?"
Of course shes not going to just leave it at that!
"Its when a woman bleeds from her vagina."
"From her vagina hole?"
"The one babies come from or the one you pee from?"
"The one babies come from."
"If babies come from there why does it bleed?"
"You don't bleed when you are pregnant, only when you aren't."
"Why do you bleed?"
Damn her and her interrogation! I just wanted a 10 minute shower!
"Its complicated."
"Because it is."
"So...why does blood come from your vagina hole?"
"Because women have something called a uterus, once a month our bodies have an egg that goes into our uterus from something called an ovary, then it stick itself to the uterus. If it doesn't get fertilized to become a baby our body gets rid of it so we bleed."
"We have eggs? Like chickens?"
"No, not like chickens."
I swear to God, this kid asks me a million questions a day! I don't mind answering them but good lord gimme some easy ones once in awhile please.
Well my loves, I have to help the boys do homework so I have to run. As always comments are always welcome and please share my page with your friends <3.
Monday, April 1, 2013
For once, I am speechless!
Ladies, stop it. I don't blame you entirely for this issue, but come one, do you really have to play into what the media wants you to believe? Can you be happy with who you are without wanting to change something? You should be ale to look in the mirror without make up and your hair done and nice clothes on and be able to say "I am beautiful!" Do it every morning as soon as you get out of bed, eventually you will believe yourself. Go out one day a week without makeup on, and slowly increase it and one day you wont even worry about it at all. Lets take back what the media has stolen from us, our self worth! Women are portrayed as super skinny with huge boobs, perfect hair and make up and always wearing the best clothes. Ladies, this is not reality for most of us! This is not how we should think we have to be to be accepted! Maybe if we stopped buying into it we wouldn't be portrayed like that anymore? Why should I have to put on a gallon of makeup every morning just to be accepted by other people? I think I am pretty enough without it. Why do I have to spend 3 hours doing my hair when I am fine with it up in a ponytail? To give other people something to look at? I don't have $200 to spend on an outfit, hell I could get an entire wardrobe for that! But society says I have to wear the name brands and the latest fashions to be accepted. Fuck that! I am totally fine with my old jeans(which are finally comfortable 5 years later) and a t-shirt that doesn't have some random stain on it from one of my kids. Heels? Fuck you buddy! i am wearing my flip flops and you should consider yourself lucky that I even put those on. Make up and hair? I'm lucky I had time to brush it this morning and don't have any cheerios or spit up in it! Make up, right because between diapers, school bull shit, new clothes/shoes for the kids and all the household bills I have left over money for that(and if I did I damn sure wouldn't be spending it on that crap!). I love how I look and I don't think anyone should tell me that I shouldn't. Or any of you for that matter. We should all embrace who we are inside and out and not worry about what other people think about us. After all, its whats on the inside that counts anyway right? If that's what we all preach and that's what we are all suppose to believe then why do we place so much on loos anyway? I don't give a flying fuck what you look like as long as you are a nice person. Actually, some of the most made up, dolled up, skinniest people are the biggest assholes that I have ever had the misfortune to meet. I honestly don't know what else to say on this subject other than just stop it. Be who you are and be proud of what you look like, embrace your flaws and stop letting the media/society dictate what you should look like.
As always comments are welcome and please share my page with your friends <3
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Easter Sunday
First,I'm doing this from my stupid smart phone so excuse my errors.
Happy belated zombie Jesus day to you my lovelies :). The kids had a good Easter despite monster feeling crappy and running a fever of 101.7 by noon. No idea what's going on there, I was hoping it was just allergies but with the fever i have serious doubts that's what it is. But thank god for memaws! He's at her house just in case he's got the creepy crude again. Fatties white cell count is still super low so I'm doing everything I can to keep him away from sick people. Breaks my heart to send my kids to my moms when they are sick but I know they are well taken care of and spoiled rotten. Hell, I still want to go to my moms when I'm sick! Lol. Anyways, I was writing this for y'all to 1) laugh at me/with me and 2) for y'all to see a little of what happens when you rarely sleep.
I cooked Easter dinner and managed to pull it off with no disasters, and typically i have at least one when it comes to cooking food on a holiday. Not sure why but it happens every time without fail. I'll have to tell you about Christmas last year sometime. But anyway, i made it all the way through cooking dinner without incident, yay me, and after making the older 3 plates I made plates for me and fatty. Sat down and gave him his first bite of ham(he wasn't sure about it at first then he was screaming at me between bites for more lol) and took a bite of my food, then I realized I forgot to pit salt and pepper on my potatoes and asked A to hand me the shakers. Now, let me tell you something about these salt and pepper shakers. These things were my grandparents and they got them when my dad was 5,he's 52 now, so they are 47 year old salt and pepper shakers. SOLID and HEAVY. I can not begin to tell you how many times these things have been dropped. Well, A hands them to me and has both of them in one hand. I grab them and before i had a good grip of them he let go. The pepper shaker dropped onto Garth's place and breaks the damn thing into 3 big pieces and a million tiny ones. Then the shaker bounces off the shattered plate and lands on the floor. It didn't break! I knew it wouldn't but there's still that fear that it will since its so old. Anyway, I laughed a little about it and cleaned it up and opened the dishwasher to grab another small plate for fatty. Apparently the dry cycle on the dishwasher lasts longer than I thought because when i grabbed the place it was hot. But fatty was screaming and I was starving so I sat it on the counter in front of the microwave and put mashed potatoes and green beans on it. I turned to grab a little slice of ham and the damn plate jumped off the counter and into the floor. Of course it shattered and glass and food went flying all over the place. I lost it. I stood there laughing so hard i couldn't breathe and had tears rolling down my face. Everyone is looking at me like I had finally lost my mind and that just made me laugh harder. I eventually stopped laughing so hard and got it all cleaned up and then from the living room I heard "are you fucking kidding me?! I just tracked mashed potatoes across the living room! Damn it!!" Those words sent me into another laughing fit. I'm telling y'all I've lost my mind. And I am currently trying to finish typing this with one eye closed so I'm going to end it here.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Hi there
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Lol oh the drama
I almost died laughing tonight! I was standing out at the van talking to A and S and out of nowhere this kid(couldn't have been older than 18) came running past the driveway. That isn't uncommon around here since we live on a fairly busy road so I didn't think anything of it. At least not until I heard "stop! Get on the ground!" The kid literally dropped to the ground in the grass next to my driveway and I peeked around the back end of the car next to tthe van in enough time to see him sitting there trying to stand ul with his hands cuffed behind his back and then the cop tackled him. I was like what the fuck just happened here?! The cop was yelling at this kid to stay still and stay down. I have to say the kid put up a decent struggle but with a 180lb man pinning him down cuffed with his face in the dirt he really didn't have much of a chance haha. Out of nowhere 3 cop cars come rolling up and another cop gets out of one of them cussing a blue streak and opens the back door and frisks the kid while the other cop holds him, face on the trunk. The kid is still trying to get away and all its doing is pissing the cops off more, and making me laugh harder. He goes through all his pockets and puts it all on the trunk and the next thing I hear is "seriously all he has on his is a hamburger bun and a lighter? What the fuck is this shit?" This made me laugh even harder and earned me a dirty look from the cop that had just got out of one of the other cars. Once they got the kid loaded into the car in his pretty silver bracelets and anklets the cop who was chasing him walked over to us and was like "sorry about that the slippery little bastard got away from us a few blocks away." I told him I had to admit he seemed to have put up a good fight and I've got to give it to him for manumit that far in cuffs. But next time yell I'm a cop catch that guy and I'll trip him! He told me man i was yelling all kinds of shit at him. Told him I would taze him, my tazer is in the car. Told him I would get the dogs on him, I don't have a damn dog. Told him I would shoot, can't shoot he didn't have a weapon drawn on me. I lost it. He just looked at me. What do you even say to that?! He asked for the address to put it in his report and left. Ah, never a boring weekend around here.
well loves its 230 in the morning and I need to sleep. As always comments are always welcome and please share my page <3