Let's start with my Dr appointment the other day. Minimal progress with dilation *sad face*, my blood pressure was low, which is better than it being high I guess, the Dr thinks my little man is going to be long since his head is at -2 and his knees are still up at the top of my uterus, and he told me that I can schedule an induction anytime I want to after next Monday since I will be 39 weeks. I politely told him to shove it, there is no way in hell I will get the devil juice again! But the devil juice is another story for another day. I have decided that I will blog while in labor, provided I am not in too much pain that is. I figure since I am going to try to do it all natural this time it will be worth a read by the time it's all over. Thankfully my phone decided to let me download the blogger app so I will be able to do it from the phone and I wont have to worry about grabbing the laptop before I head to the hospital. I warn you now that I will probably be pretty descriptive with all the nasty details so those posts won't be for the weak stomached. At some point before I go into labor (if I can stop procrastinating that it) I will be posting my birth stories from all 3 of my kids. If you ask anyone that I have told those stories to they will tell you that it will be worth the read when I am done.
The kids have been up to their usual crap, driving me insane!!! Nothing new or funny to report on that right now, but I'm sure it won't be long before they do something that will amuse you guys.
I will be updating my list of commandments soon. I have been out and about a little more than usual lately and have written several more. I probably won't post them all at once because there are so many of them but hey, I have to have something to keep you coming back don't I? Lol.
I am debating getting back into my chocolate work here soon. Things had been super slow for awhile so I stopped promoting and looking for jobs and shows to do. I really miss it! I have already looked into the 4th of July thing that I did last year and gotten the application for it. I hope to be able to get a spot there at the very least. I'm probably going to wait till after the baby is born to start putting ads up again, and yes I will be shamelessly promoting myself here as well. I'm sure ya'll are excited to hear that huh? But in all seriousness, I really miss it and can't wait to get things going with that again. I have a huge list of new recipes to try and have made some revisions to some of the ones I was already doing. Ah, the simple things that make me happy.
On the subject of simple things that make me happy, I am sitting here crunching Sonic ice. Seriously the BEST ice I have ever had. If you haven't ever had it you MUST get some. I buy it by the bag now. I crave ice! And burritos...I swear I am going to give birth to a half frozen Mexican baby!
Anyway, I am going to get out of here. I know this wasn't my usual style of post and it was pretty boring, sorry about that. As always, comments are always welcome and please share my page with your friends :)
oh hell no.. you can buy sonic ice????? where?!?! omg they have the best effin ice ever!!! we are sad lol