I really wanted to post this as an addition to the last post but my stupid fucking phone wouldn't let me post the damn link...so here it is with my thoughts...
Ok so i know this is another link to the man eats face story BUT if you read it you will see close to the end of the article itnsays this isn't the first case of a naked man eating on another person...I'm going to try to find the full story on this one tomorrow but I find it a bit weird that there have been 2 incidents of a naked person eating the flesh of another person. I don't know what kind of drugs these people are taking hit it seems that whatever it is is turning them into real live zombies of sorts. Me thinks its time to do some researching on what's causing this...
lol glad to see bringing this story to your attention has made your night :P its always how it started in resident evil, one or two weird "cannibal killings" before anyone figured out they were Zombies. Somebody should be looking for an abandoned mansion around that area that may just double as a lab for biological weapons were a certain virus might have escaped from lol...Id go investigate but if it ends up like the game, the place will also have giant spiders...yeeck not going anywhere near that. But in all seriousness, you're right this is tragic but I dont think drugs would cause someone to cannibalize another person, its got to be some kind of brain issue.